Women Who Love Psychopaths Analysis

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"Women become victims because they don't recognize the difference between normal personality diversity and the signs and symptoms of pathology."(Sandra Brown, "Women Who Love Psychopaths." I have seen it happen repeatedly during forty years as a psychotherapist/clinical social worker. Intelligent women come to the office suffering from PTSD because they were abused by a violent lover or husband. How is it possible to be blind to the signals that this type of man is dangerous and should be avoided? More than one survivor of abuse has reported that they sensed something was wrong at the start of the relationship but then dismissed their gut reaction to being too critical or sensitive and to not giving the guy a chance. In one case a girlfriend told her to go out on their first date because he was such a nice guy. She went even though she had misgivings. Before she knew it she was in love with him. That was the start of a dark chapter in…show more content…
As she points out, male psychopaths outnumber women psychopaths by four to one. So, what is a psychopath? A Psychopath Is Someone Who: 1. Has a callous unconcern for the feelings of others. They exploit others without any sense of guilt or sorrow. 2. They are emotionally shallow showing a complete lack of guilt for all the harm they cause others. In terms of abuse and domestic violence, this lack of guilt includes harming children. 3. They blame others for events that they caused. To the psychopath, abuse is the fault of his wife and/or child. 4. They project a superficial charm that wins many unsuspecting women over. In other words, they know how to "con" others for their own selfish purpose or profit. 5. Along the same lines they are amazingly selfish, self-centered and unable to love or give to

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