Why Is Hamlet's First Soliloquy

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INTRO: There are many types of plays and movies out in the world. There are dramas, comedies, romances, adventure, and many more. However, to make a memorable, and a well done entertainment, there needs to be structure in the making and writing of that play. The organization is a big part in it. If one thing comes before the other, it can either bring confusion, or anxiety. Confusion because it may not make sense being in the place it is, and anxiety because it can foreshadow an event that will come to pass. Shakespeare is a great literary genius. He has written many different plays and sonnets; all of which have fascinating structure, one in particular, Hamlet. In Hamlet, the king has killed his brother and taken the thrown. While doing this,…show more content…
A soliloquy is when there is only one actor on stage and speaks out to the audience as if thinking. With these monologues, the audience is allowed to learn of the character's intent, or how they are feeling. For example, the King Claudius reveals to the audience that he has written a letter to England to have Hamlet's head cut off. In another soliloquy, Hamlet talks about committing suicide in the "To be, or not to be," (act 1, scene 3) soliloquy. The audience really finds out how sad and depressed Hamlet is, and feel sympathy for him. In another soliloquy from Hamlet, we learn about the play that is going to be put on before the king and queen. He tells that watching what happened to his father, his uncle will react guiltily, and he will know if the uncle committed murder. This lets the audience know to observe the king as the play is being…show more content…
In the play, there is an immense amount of word play, almost all done by one character, Hamlet. He insults other characters and cast members by pretending to be a lunatic. He calls Polonius a fishmonger, which is a person who houses prostitutes. He also insults the king by calling him his mother, but backs it up by saying, "Husband and wife are one flesh," (Act 4 scene 3). Hamlet also tells Claudius to seek Polonius himself if his messengers cannot find him in heaven, telling his uncle that he won’t go to heaven after death. These word plays and use of the language makes the audience think about what is being said. These thought provoking lines create great structure in being able to use several different meanings for one word. For example, Hamlet tells Polonius not to let his daughter, Ophelia, walk in the sun. However, he could mean ‘sun’ or ‘son’. Both of which have a different meaning and having relevance to the

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