Prosecuting In Hamlet

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No matter how strong (or stable) an outer shell is, it can only take (but) so much pressure before it finally gives way and cracks. Hamlet brings forth many central themes surrounding an incestuous marriage, a villainous murder, and the disruption of order and hierarchy. Many of the play’s central themes include suicide, insanity, perception of life, and the supernatural, which are a result of dealing with corruption and the hardships of life. William Shakespeare utilizes Hamlet’s infamous soliloquy that contemplates bearing the agony of life (“to be”) and facing the mystery of death (“not to be”) all while perfectly encapsulating the major arguments of Hamlet. (1) A defense and prosecuting attorney must lay out their evidence to the judge…show more content…
Just as a prosecuting and defense attorney, Hamlet (does this within himself as he) considers whether “to be, or not to be,” (Shakespeare 3.1.63) in the midst of difficulty. Furthermore, the two opposing arguments indicate a tug of war taking place within one mind. The contradicting ideas of life and death battling each other at once mirrors the hostility seen in a court room as well as relaying Hamlet’s tottering insanity as the soliloquy (as well as the other major ones) is an insight if the mental strife that occurs internally. (Hamlet). Hamlet considers suicide several times prior to this death versus life oration. (One particular time, Hamlet) In the monologue regarding his mother’s hasty marriage, Hamlet (wanted) wished his flesh to “melt, thaw, and resolve itself” (1.2.131) as he reflects on the unfair card life has played him. In the same monologue, Hamlet discusses the morality in suicide as he believes that God “fixed his canon ‘gainst self slaughter” (1.2.134).…show more content…
Hamlet lists the entire calamity he has faced upon returning to Elsinore. What Hamlet lists can easily be generalized into universal hardships that others face day to day outside the play. By listing a generalized list of hardships, Hamlet shows an understanding that time and experience bears fruit of suffering in an individual’s life. The abuser, however, suffers as well. In Claudius’ soliloquy following the mousetrap scene, he cries out in repentance for taking his brother’s life. His allusion to the biblical account of Cain and Able and Jesus’ crucifixion, shows he suffers due to the fact that he not only took his brother’s life and chances to go to heaven, he effects himself as he cannot repent of his sins – “Is there not rain enough in the sweet heavens to wash [brother’s blood] white as snow” (3.2.48-9). Claudius not only questions his life after death but also the ability of Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice to cure even the wicked. This shows that he perceives heaven is only for the righteous and the pure. Hamlet, as he does before, (he contemplat) contemplates (ed) a plot to execute his father’s wish of Claudius’ demise, but know has the discernment to know why he and Claudius chose not to step up to the plate and take on their responsibilities ( and how )- “conscience does make cowards of us all” (3.1.90). (which shows in the hesitation that happens with Hamlet.) Hamlet

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