Macbeth Double Meaning

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I will not yield, To kiss the ground before young Malcolm's feet, And to be baited with the rabble's curse. Though Birnam Wood be come to Dunsinane, And thou opposed, being of no woman born, Yet I will try the last. Before my body I throw my warlike shield! Lay on, Macduff, And damn'd be him that first cries, “Hold, enough!” Before you start saying “What?” hold your horses, as Shakespeare might’ve said. The series of lines just said to you were from an excerpt in the final scene of Macbeth. Macbeth is setting the stage for his ultimate death by Macduff in the final battle. Now because we are done reading Macbeth you might be telling yourself “yes we’re finally done Macbeth!” Let me ruin the moment to tell you that we are not done. Allow…show more content…
A part of the prophecy, which the witches created, says that no man of woman born can kill Macbeth. After hearing this, Macbeth is thrilled because he knows that nobody is not of woman born, which means he is capable of keeping the throne for a very long time. Although the phrase seems like no one can kill Macbeth, the double meaning and the confusion behind the phrase tricks Macbeth and it turns out that there was a man not of woman born. The prophecy did not mention anyone of surgery-born, which Macbeth did not take into account. The double meaning behind the phrase led to the ultimate downfall of Macbeth because Macduff was born through C-Section, which meant he was surgery-born. The combination of double meaning and Macbeth’s high ambition to reign Scotland for a long time led to the ultimate downfall of…show more content…
This man’s name is Walter White from Breaking Bad. He is a textbook example of a tragic hero. Although he is not of nobility or high status in the societal ladder, he is still a super-genius chemist stuck in a job as a teacher. Walter gets diagnosed with lung cancer, so using his chemistry knowledge, he turns to manufacturing and selling quality-grade methamphetamine in order to fund his cancer treatment and family. In the beginning of the TV series, he is a loving father and a great family oriented person. Overall he is a good character. When he moves to selling meth (which by the way is similar to the event of Macbeth killing Duncan), he start to do all sorts of illegal “transactions and meetings”. He gets involved with several murders and starts to degrade in morale as a character (sound familiar right!). At the end of the TV series, you can see how badly corrupted Walter becomes and how one event can change the course of someone’s life, which is similar to a tragic hero death. Although Walter did not die like Macbeth and was not noble-born, he exhibits the same characteristics Macbeth had in the play. He, like Macbeth, made a decision (for Walter’s case that was selling meth and Macbeth was killing Duncan) and then the morale and psyche of both of them started to spiral

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