Insulin Production Lab Report Results

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Insulin production Conclusion: We performed two experiments that tested the effect of temperature and ph levels on the growth rate of E-coli bacteria. Form the results we can conclude that the bacteria grew the best at 35oc and at ph7. We know that 35oc was the optimum temperature for the bacteria because it had the shortest generation time of 9 hours. When the temperature is below the optimum temperature the bacteria is not killed, however its growth rate is slow. When the temperature is above the optimum temperature the growth rate begins to decrease again and the bacteria eventually dies. The ph maximum is 7, this is neutral. A lower ph would cause the proteins to unravel form around the enzymes, and making it denature. We know that ph7…show more content…
Insulin is manufactured industrially; this is because some people have a condition in which their pancreas is not able of produce a sufficient amount of insulin. E-coli bacteria are most commonly used to produce insulin. The first step is to extract the human insulin producing gene; this is done by extracting insulin form pancreas cells. Once the insulin producing gene is detached it is inserted into a bacterial plasmid vector. The bacterial plasmid was prepared before implanting the gene. This was done by extracting a plasmid DNA from a bacterium; once the plasmid is abstracted it is cut using a restriction enzyme. This forms the recombinant DNA of human insulin producing gene. The recombinant DNA is imported to a bacterial cell, this assembles the recombinant bacterium. Once a satisfactory amount is produced the bacteria is then stationed in the fermenter, here it grows. The bacteria are grown in a nutrient broth that is used for bacteria that has high nutritional requirements; this is known as tryptic soy sauce. Kanamycin sulphate is infused within the nutrient broth, this act as an antibiotic that destroys any bacterium without Kanamycin

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