Beats By Dre Analysis

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Beats by Dre targets the self-oriented values of society. The self-oriented values reflect what individual members of society find desirable. Taking the concept or materialism versus non-materialism and expanding it to not only the accumulation of wealth; but, the accumulation of objects, Beats by Dre can fall in to this category. According to the article, Beats by Dre are in the upper segment of the headphone industry in terms of price, thus, falling into the materialism category. Furthermore, society, specifically America’s society, values status. Beats by Dre can satisfy this because due to the price, and the prestige of the brand, those who have Beats establish a “cool factor” amongst their peers. Beats by Dre can also satisfy values in…show more content…
Although Beats by Dre can appeal to a large majority of Generation Z, the African American culture could be a ludicrous target market. This group could be an ideal target market for a variety of reasons. One reason being that Black Generation Xers launched hip-hop, which has become a cultural value. Stereotypically speaking, African Americans listen to hip-hop and rap. These genres of music have heavy beats and have a lot of bass; which is also a value of Beats by Dre. Due to this value system, Generation Z is highly accustomed to value these types of music. Also, Generation Zers are heavily invested in technology. Also, these consumer preferences amongst the generation form habits for purchasing habits through out life, according to the book. Due to this reason, if Beats by Dre forms a relationship with African American, Generation Zers, and creates brand loyalty, these consumers would be more likely to continue to buy new products as Beats by Dre creates new…show more content…
Connected black teens make up 12% of the African- American segment, the largest percentage of one single group. Furthermore, connected black teens are tech savy, and embrace black media. They also want popular brands and are music focused. This would be an easy segment to target because Beats by Dre is all about enhancing the user experience, and create a “cool factor.” These values of connected black teens greatly align with the value of Beats by Dre, making them a compatible target market. Beats headphones can be classified as a continuous innovation. People already use headphones, it is not a new product or an uncommon product. However, Beats be Dre changed the industry in terms of how people consume music. Beats headphones represent a great technological advancement, however, adopting Beats headphones does not require a lot of behavioral changes. A large majority of the population already uses headphones, Beats headphones merely enhanced the

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