Why Do Different Liquids Evaporate

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My control will be water, then I will pour three different liquids as my independent variable. The different liquids will be: Diet Coke, milk, and Gatorade. The dependent variable will be the amount of each liquid that evaporates. Milliliters What effect if any will different liquids have on the amount of each liquid that evaporates? What effect if any will different liquids have on the amount of each liquid that evaporates? Evaporation is when molecules on a liquid's surface achieve enough heat energy to break free of the liquid and become a gas. If a substance is more dense, the evaporation rate is slower because there is more attraction between their molecules. Liquids that have a high surface tension will…show more content…
I was surprised that they evaporated so little, because I thought that they would all evaporate at least twenty milliliters in one week. The control, water, evaporated the least out of the four liquids by half of a milliliter. My dependent variable, which was the amount of each liquid that evaporates, was thrown a little off balance by how much the Diet Coke evaporated during the first day. My hypothesis was that Diet Coke would evaporate the most was correct because it had the lowest surface tension and density. My research was about how, if a substance more dense, the evaporation rate is slower because there is more attraction between their molecules, and that liquids that have a high surface tension will also have a lower rate of evaporation as well. This is the reason the water evaporated so slowly, because it had a very high surface tension. Next time I do this experiment, I would pour out only 50 milliliters of each liquid because the evaporation rate is very slow. A few questions that I have are: Why does water have a high surface tension? What causes some liquids to be more dense than others? And, Why during the experiment did the Diet Coke evaporate so much in the first day? Overall, I learned that the more dense a substance is, the slower the evaporation rate. And that liquids with a high surface tension will also have a lower rate of

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