Who Is Sergei's Happiness In What, Of This Goldfish, Would You Wish?

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Making the right choice may sometimes lead to sacrificing your own happiness. In the short story “What, of this Goldfish, Would You Wish?” Sergei’s is placed in situations where the actions that he chose to make gave up his own happiness. With a fish that can grant him anything he wants he decides to use it for others instead of his personal gains. Not to say that all choices that you make will lead you to give up your own happiness, but in this case Sergei did sacrifice his own happiness for others. One of the wishes that Sergei used was to restore the health of Sveta’s son. He felt very proud at the wish that he made until Sveta left him for another man. Sergei was very dissatisfied with the outcome that he got when he helped Sveta’s son.

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