Who Is John Calvin's Argument

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There are many subjects in Christendom that are heavily debated. One in particular, is the providence debate. The theological definition of providence is, “God’s governing of the universe. “God’s support, care, and supervision of all creation, from its beginning to all eternity. The term comes from Latin providentia, which in turn derives from the verb provideo, “to foresee,” but far more is meant than foresight or foreknowledge.” Some evangelicals hold that God’s providence is meticulous: He governs each and every detail. Others hold that it is more general: He controls the “big picture”, but gives humans freedom to make their own choices.” There are many scriptures in the Bible to back up God’s providence in the world. However,…show more content…
John Calvin is “the Father to Reformed and Presbyterian doctrine and theology.” Calvin uses scriptures to support his views. Calvinist view is the view that says, all things happen according to God’s sovereign will. In addition, Calvin believes that some are ordained to eternal life, while others are not. “Calvinism is known by the acronym: T.U.L.I.P. T meaning total depravity, U meaning unconditional election, L meaning Limited Atonement, I meaning Irresistible Grace, and P meaning Perseverance of the Saints.” Many believers of Calvinism believe that the Bible teaches that God is sovereign in everything that happens, no matter if it’s good or bad. The Bible declares, “For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things.” Boyd & Eddy states, “Not ‘all things’ except human free will. Not ‘all things’ except evil things. Not ‘all things’ on a general scale, but not on a small scale. All things come from him, exist through him, and ultimately exist for his glory” Calvinist believes, and support the Book of Genesis, when it states the God created everything, and the earth was good. That God operator outside of time, and He could do as He please. They believe that God created everything within His will. In addition, “to Calvin and his followers it is also important to realize that the triune God did not turn away from creation after it was formed, but continues to sustain and maintain…show more content…
Both views make great points about the great debate of the Providence of God. Both views seem to hold fast to the fact that God is the Creator of the universe. In addition, Calvinist and Arminian believes that scripture is the inerrant word of God, and He is the giver of salvation. Although, they both have weakness and strengths in their beliefs. Respectfully, Calvin’s view makes it seem that good don’t love all of His creation. God is love, and He loves all, I don’t believe that He would create people to do wicked things. Furthermore, Arminian’s view shows that although God created the universe and let things play out, He is still very much in control. Arminian’s view show the love of God to the utmost. God has given us the power of choice. Many scriptures in the Bible show the providence of God, and He still in control. For the Bible declares, “All the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing, But He does according to His will in the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of earth; and no one can ward off His hand or say to Him, ‘What have You done?’ This clearly states, that God not only is who He says He is, but He reigns, and He is sovereign over all things. God not only has control over humans, but over all things. Nehemiah 9:6 states, “You alone are the Lord. You have made the heavens, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth

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