Who Is Delia In The Skating Party

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Character Analysis Delia is an important character in “The Skating Party”, is because she is carefree, sociable, jealous, and reckless. The first reason Delia is an important character is because she is carefree. For example, in the story she said “The More things you've got, the more things you've got to take care of.” (Pg.195). Additionally it said “And she didn't unpack most of her trunks.” (Pg.195). This shows that she didn't care about unpacking her trunks and that she doesn't care about many things, like not talking about her husband. She just does what she wants to do. The second reason Delia is an important character, is because she is sociable. For instance, in the story it said “Delia soon made her house a gathering place for

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