White Supremacy Leader: Martin Luther King

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Race has always been one of the most concerning things in American history. The division between black and white has brought out tension in the world back in the day and even so today. There is so much hate in this world just because of humans being colors. There are many people all around the world who believe in different things regarding race. Beliefs are the root of issues that constantly occur and cause tension. We all believe in something, and everyone needs someone to look up to and to have something to follow. White supremacy leader, David Duke and civil rights activist, Martin Luther King while fighting for completely different causes both had a strong platform and many supporters. To begin, David Duke who is currently in white politics…show more content…
King became an activist very early in his career he was involved in the montgomery bus boycott in ‘55 this boycott was his big breakthrough. Afterwards, king became more and more involved and more and more recognized by trying to get more rights and people to be civilized. King was a baptist minister before anything and held on to that position for a while and that's how he first captured his platform and got to reach out. King has led and participated in many events that ended up being successful in the end. Kings goal was to get more equality by launching marches to get black people…show more content…
David Duke had supporters that agreed with white advancement. Duke is a white supremacist. White supremacists all over supported him without a doubt. White supremacy is white based and it’s a belief that whites’ are superior. With that being said I don’t see anyone supporting that besides white people themselves. Moreover, King believed in making a better life for black people. Everyone who agreed no matter what demographic they were agreed with this. Not every white person is racist King had white supporters as well because a person with heart is gonna agree with his movements for certain. In the end, everyone has different motives, tactics and goals about what they want and what they want to do to get it. David Duke and Martin Luther King had more differences than similarities when it comes down to the root of all the issues. They both had goals and wanted to change at least something but it comes down to how they went about it. White supremacy leader, David Duke and civil rights activists, Martin Luther King while fighting for completely different causes both had a strong platform and many

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