What Is The Nature Of Evil In The Minister's Black Veil

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Nathaniel Hawthorne has been claimed as the greatest writer in American literature, and after reviewing his short stories it is plausible to agree with this statement. Although he was not very religious, he used concepts very similar to Puritan views. In his allegories he uses the concept of secret sin and evil to show us that evil is common among every human, no matter how faithful they may be. In The Minister's Black Veil, Hawthorne automatically infers that every has a secret sin in them. When the story opens up, Parson Hooper comes in with a black veil on his face, making the townspeople worried, some think he is going mad, others thinks he is trying to hide something. Even his wife tries to make out why he wears this veil to his reply- "If it be a…show more content…
He is asked if he would like to take off the veil but he still refuses, making the townspeople ask what he is hiding. Hooper then gets up to tell them- "Why do you tremble at me alone? Tremble also at each other! Have men avoided me, women shown no pity, and children screamed and fled, only for for my black veil?...when man does not vainly shrink from the eye of his Creator, loathsomely treasuring up the secret of his sin; then deem me a monster, for the symbol beneath which I have lived and die! I look around me, and, lo! on every visage a Black veil!" According to the text above, Hooper is accusing the townspeople of never giving him pity. The townspeople have never questioned whether the veil had a symbolic meaning, they just feared it. They judged Hooper himself, wondering what evil he has done, overlooking each other's evil, which can be seen as the secret sin itself. Hooper had been there for the entire town, but in this time of the veil, they turned their backs on him. For being town of religious people, they are very unappreciative of everything a man of god has done for

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