children in the U.S.A there is one of them who suffer from hunger. In a democracy, free country every year the number of people who suffer from hunger is increasing and that is really scary. If they have a place to live and they have a job, it does not mean that they do not need help! Maybe their salary is not enough to help them to cover all their needs. In my opinion, having food is a right just like humans’ rights and animals’ rights. I made a list of food that I thought it is healthy and I chose
I think its another one of those things that need to be evaluated. Another of my favorite meals. For more than 50 years, a normal breakfast for me was, 4 eggs with potatoes, fried in “Whatever oil”, 4 slices of white toast, slathered with butter, a half pound of bacon, a small glass of orange juice and a large glass of milk……..close to 3000 calories and some not so good food choices. More food than the average