What Does Allegory Represent In Dante's Inferno

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In several literature works the objective is for the reader to understand the concept that the author is implying. Dante Alighieri's Inferno is a portrayal of Hell, step by step and circle by circle. As Dante finally reaches the bottom of Hell, the typical reader has an enormous expectation for what is down there, however, it was an outcome that no one had expected. The picture of Satan does not satisfy the typical readers because when one hears the word, “Satan,” he or she usually thinks of a red devil with a pointed tail and horns while holding a pitchfork. Lucifer is described as having one head with three faces: red, white, and yellow which he says is a perversion of the Holy Trinity, he has wings like those of a bat, and he is hideous.…show more content…
He describes Satan as the ultimate evil in Hell, however, he didn’t start off his path that way; he was an angel in the beginning, but due to his bad choices he became God’s enemy. To illustrate, Dante states, “..that it my Master pleased to show to me, the creature who once had the beauteous semblance..” (Canto 34, Line 17). This differs from the stereotypical depiction of Satan in Hell because everyone pictures Satan as the ruler of Hell with powerful powers when in Dante’s depiction, he was not at all that powerful and he was like any other sinner in the 9th Circle. Every sinner agrees that he or she should not be in that certain circle and that if there was a way to escape, they would’ve. For example, Dante implies, “no feathers had they, but as of a bat their fashion was; and he was waving them, so that three winds proceeded forth therefrom.” (Canto 34, Line 49-51). As a result, as much as Satan wants to escape by flapping his bat-like wings, it makes it even more impossible to escape as the result of the flapping just freezes the ice even more. In addition, he also shreds tears as he is being punished in the 9th Circle. For instance, Dante expresses, “..with six eyes did he weep, and down three chins trickled the tear-drops and the bloody drivel.” (Canto 34, Line

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