Western Medicine In Allopathy

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ALLOPATHY: Allopathy is a part of western medical system which depends mainly on three things – Hypothesis, experimentation and outcome of the experiment. It is wide spread and adopted by almost all of the countries in the world. Allopathy depends on experimentation and doctors treat the disease based on symptoms not on causes. Drugs given in allopathy have side effects. The side effects can be internal or external. HOMEOPATHY: Homeopathy is derived from Greek word “Homios” and Pathos meaning like “cure like”. Medicines are dependent on individuality. Homeopathy helps the body to cure itself by increasing the immune power. Homeopathy has based itself on the fundamental concept of “likes be treated by likes” a concept that has its echoes…show more content…
It is concerned with the minerals, metals, plants and their combinations that is unique and can cure degenerative diseases. The siddha system of medicine is useful in various pathological conditions such as inflammatory conditions, rheumatoid arthritis, erythema, gastrointestinal disturbance, ischaemia, and infectious diseases. UNANI: The Unani medical system has its origin from Greece and was developed by Arabs. Its theoretical framework is based on the teachings of Hippocrates (460-377BC) and Galen (131-210AD). Hippocrates laid the foundation of unani system of medicine.The unani system of medicine is based on the humoral theory. This theory proposes the presence of four humors 1. Blood…show more content…
Indian flora is not only rich but very cosmopolitan. (Anon,1990). Geographically, India is located in the tropical zone. On account of its size, India is the home to a variety of environments from high snow-capped mountains to tropical rain forests, hot to cold deserts, scrub lands to lush and fertile plains and valleys so also mangroves and sea shores. These environmental variations provide a diverse form of habitat for India’s rich plant life. It is reported that almost every plant family in the world is represented in India’s rich flora-plant life (Puranik, 1998). It is estimated that at least 3,00,000 species of plant exists throughout the world, the majority of which are mainly tropical in distribution. The flowering plants or the angiosperms form by far the largest group of plants on the earth today. Conservative estimates suggests that there are about 2,50,000-3,00,000 extant species yet while many of these are of great current and / or potential value to humans, only a small proportion have so far been studied scientifically (Cotton,

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