Wells Fargo Case Study

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Wells Fargo gave $20 thousand to the HCC Foundation, presenting the check on Sept 17 at the Board of Trustees meeting. Over the past six years, the bank have given $120 thousand to support HCC students. Half of the donation will will go to students in HCC’s bank teller program where after nine credit hours, students can earn their marketable skills award. “Financial services today, we’re in the risk business. Everything we think about, we think about risk. But one of the biggest risks that we have as a community is a workforce that enables us to grow as a community,” explained Tom Debase, the South-Houston area president of Wells Fargo. “The work that HCC does helps us, Wells Fargo, mitigate that risk.” “Our goal is here to allow the many students…show more content…
"We put student through three courses to get them ready to apply as a bank teller,” explained Smith in a phone interview. The scholarships pay for the tuition of low-income students. There are no lab fees or textbooks to buy for the program, so the scholarship “pays all of their costs,” noted Smith. He added that, "A lot of banks donate to our scholarship fund," not just Wells Fargo. About half of the student receive scholarships. Smith said that the program, “gets lots of support from area banks because they hire our students...I've never had a situation - and I've been here for 33 years - where I had a student who couldn't find a job opening. There are always job openings.” Smith said they have a capacity of about twelve students per eight-week. With five sessions a year, they have a capacity for 50-60 students. On average, they graduate about 45-50 students a year from the bank teller program. The bank teller workforce program has twice received an exemplary rating from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating

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