Welfare State Liberalism

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The source asserts the preconceived notion that the welfare state discourages economic contribution as a result of the nation encouraging an increase in dependency, making it therefore, necessary for a nation to adopt a state that implements principles of liberalism. By enforcing principles of liberalism, specifically self-reliance, to be the main conductor for government enactments of laws and policies, their will be an increase in economic activity which will subsequently benefit the majority of the public. Therefore, the source demonstrates a neoconservative perspective by advocating a state that promotes individualism hence, supporting principles of liberalism. Ronald Reagan additionally considered principles of liberalism to be the answer…show more content…
What should instead to be analyzed for the reason for dependency is the nation's economy, more specifically, the general income of citizens. In America, "[the median individual income is] $50,000," (“What Americans Earn.”) therefore deducting there to be roughly the same amount of individuals earning less then $50,000 as there is more. However, an individual who qualifies for employment insurance can "...receive a minimum earning of 26,000." (“To What Extent Is the Welfare State Responsible For Creating a Culture of Dependency?") Despite the insurance being temporary, why would an individual not want to be dependent on the benefits that the government provides and most especially, how did the average income for an individual become so minimal? The growth of wages and production do not coexist with each other, instead production is significantly higher, more than double the percentage, and this drastic difference occurred in America in 1970. During the 1970's, America's current president was Richard Nixon who was quick to dismantle the welfare state during his term. He noticeably resented the welfare state and attempted to abolish the War on Poverty with his best efforts and in correspondence with Nixon's beliefs, a decade later Ronald Reagan entered presidency. Reagan coined the term Reaganism which cut taxes for American citizens by subsequently removing government benefits. Therefore, the state of a nation's economy can be reflected by it's politics, as perceived by the significant disparity between the rate of production and financial income due to the corresponding abolishment of the welfare state that

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