Waste Management In Maldives Essay

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In the local islands, the island administrations (Island Offices) does not provide any municipal service. In most of the islands, island administration or local authorities currently are not mandated to provide services such as waste collection or disposal. Instead individuals or households dispose waste as they see fit, creating environmental hazards. As per a survey done by the Ministry of Tourism in the Maldives in 2012 an estimated 860 metric tons per day, or 312,075 metric tons per year, of solid waste is discarded in the Maldives. Of which about 21% is attributed to tourism with the balance divided among urban areas (65%) and island communities (35%). Waste disposal practices in Maldives vary among islands depending on accessibility to disposal facilities, local custom and government intervention. There are two open waste dumping sites in Male’, the capital of Maldives which is also the hub of commercial trade. The island is densely populated with one third of the total population of the entire Maldives and is only 1.77 square kilometer in size. WHO ARE THE STAKEHOLDERS? A stakeholder is someone who has an interest or concern in an action or activity; hence there three main stakeholders involve in the waste management practices in the Maldives. The main stakeholder is the government as they are the policy making level where…show more content…
The main works done by the government this year regarding waste management is formulating a National Waste Management Policy, which is primarily about long-term waste management strategies and action plan for the Maldives. Under this policy, number of waste management centers have been established in numerous islands and incinerators were brought to some regional waste management centers. The target of Government of Maldives is to establish a local waste management center in every island before the end of next fifteen

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