Voodoo Fest Research Paper

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Last summer I decided on a whim to spend money on concert tickets for my boyfriend and myself, so last Halloween I had the pleasure of attending my first festival: the Voodoo Music and Arts Experience, otherwise known as Voodoo Fest. Voodoo fest is a multi-day music and arts festival held in City Park in New Orleans, Louisiana. While the sales pitch for Voodoo Fest entices possible ticket buyers by advising them to “join the ritual”, Voodoo Fest is most definitely a festival and follows all of the characteristics of a festival, not a ritual. Festivals, by definition, are periods of celebratory activities, cultural events, or entertainments. This definition describes Voodoo Fest, as many bands, typically of the alternative genre, come to New Orleans to cause the attendees to “worship the music”. Voodoo Fest also follows all of the characteristics of a festival,…show more content…
The tagline for the concert is to “worship the music” which many people come to the concert to do. Voodoo Fest focuses on one genre of music, but it invites many bands from this unique, alternative genre that many find enjoyable. Some people who enjoy listening to music consider music a release, so they come to Voodoo Fest to enjoy the music and unwind. This causes the festival to follow the characteristic of being more relaxed in tone in that people attend to have fun, unwind, and enjoy themselves. Almost everyone at Voodoo Fest is jumping around, throwing his or her hands in the air, and having the time of his or her life every time a band comes on one of the stages. The fact that there are multiple stages allows Voodoo Fest to follow the characteristic of festivals that says that festivals have a less rigid structure than rituals. The attendees are able to visit any stage they want at any time during the festival, they are even able to leave the stages to get food at a booth at any point during the

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