Virtual Reality In A Wedding

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When we start planning our wedding, we put our major concentration towards our wedding photography. Photoshoot during our great day will be our only remembrance of our wedding. It plays truly a major role in the ceremony. Our wedding is usually a grand event, However, even when people arrange it down to the last detail, something inevitably will not happen in such a way they wish it like choosing the best wedding photography. ToIntroduction to Virtual Reality: In these days, augmented reality and Virtual reality are stamping their footprints in the development of future technologies. Several enterprises have begun to implement VR concept in all their projects that enhance their business. We discover our world with our sense system. In our…show more content…
3D motion pictures are the best examples of Virtual reality in our day to day life. Moreover, this can be discovered and interacted with by a person to give them an experience with an imaginary world. Virtual reality can be expressed with the high-performance computers and sensory equipment, like headsets and gloves. In our earlier period, VR is used only for gaming and entertainment purposes, but understanding its true importance, the idea has been used in numerous sectors. Furthermore, it has been used to train the pilot to face the complex and unexpected scenarios. However, with its splendid advantages, it has been used in hospitals to operate critical scenarios, in construction to view the virtual blueprints, and also in education to give clear knowledge to the…show more content…
Virtual Reality has been using in several domains due to its benefits and its features. The most used VR domain is “Gaming”. However, the Virtual reality is now started implementing in other field too:  Movies: In many theatres, we have been watching several 3 dimensions movies where users are put to experience the virtual effects of the artificial things. We already have knowledge and many people would have already experienced this.  Tourism: Virtual tourism where users are provided with a tourist location. They can explore the forest, rivers, mountains etc. Moreover, VR will help you to visit several tourist places with less cost.  Police: Virtual reality concept has been implemented in detective field. This is used for Crime Scene reconstructions;  Commercial: In several car companies, VR ideas are implemented to make user understand and view their cars’ in and out. Virtual car showrooms give a deep knowledge about the cars to the users.;  Medicine: VR is used in advanced healthcare to operate and handle critical situations and

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