Virgil Passages

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The main goal of this passage, as with many of the opening passages of major epic poems of the time, is to introduce the plot to the audience, and to provide any other important information. Virgil starts of the passage by introducing the main character of his epic, “Arms and a man I sing, the first from Troy, A fated exile in the Lavinian shores In Italy.” Virgil establishes that Aeneus is one of the survivors of Troy and he is the first from Troy to come to the Italian shore. Virgil’s use of the term “fated exile,” is interesting because we, as readers, know that it is Aeneus’s goal to find the city of Rome in present day Italy. Virgil could be referring to Juno’s distaste for Aeneus, which he talks about later in the passage, when he says…show more content…
After Virgil describes the difficulties that Aeneus will face, he asks the Muse “what stung the queen of heaven, What insult to her power made her drive The righteous hero through so many upsets and hardships?” The Muses, in Greek and Roman mythology, were goddesses of literature, and it was a common practice for poets to invoke the Muses within the beginning of the writing. The answer to Virgil’s questions lie in the next few lines, where the Muses proclaim that “Carthage, an ancient Tyrian settlement, Faces the Tiber’s mouth in far-off Italy; Rich, and experienced and fierce in War. They say it was Juno’s favorite, second even to Samos. Carthage held her weapons, Her chariot. From the start she planned that Carthage would rule the world- if only fate allowed it,” but the trouble for her was that it was predicted that the city that Aeneus would find, Rome, would go on to become the most powerful and fierce city in the world, where. Rome is predicted to have “high walls” and “Alban patriarchs.” This proclamation is seen as an insult to Juno, and consequently being the cause of all of her actions throughout the

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