The Aeneid: The Battle Of The Sexes

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The distinguished Roman Empire poet, Virgil, wrote The Aeneid in the perspective of his country of origin, regarding the Trojan War. Virgil’s characters are very vivid and beautifully complex. The women in this work of poetry are no exception to this. When Virgil writes of their faithfulness, popularity and intelligence it is not necessary for him to even include their beauty as it is clearly written between the lines as he describes their power. What were Virgil’s intentions of writing these women characters so well, to compare there strengths in order for sheer strength or endurance or to bring cause for the reader to ponder whom was the weaker or stronger sex? (Puchner) There is a tired battle that has waged for years on end; ”The Battle of the Sexes.” The first officially titled “Battle of the Sexes”, was a highly emotionally charged tennis match in the early 1970’s where a famous female tennis professional combatted the elements, strategic skills of an opponent, society and the media against what appeared to be the true opponent, a male tennis pro counterpart. The outcome of this clash of the sexes was played out on the court, and equally through television, radio, and magazine. There was a clear winner, but was it physical, mental or spiritual strength that made the actual victory? (First) Even though this battle was less than a century ago, the actual battle over…show more content…
The word, strength, is usually associated with physical muscles or endurance yet it is actually the attribute of being strong in regards to everything. (“strength”) It is all-inclusive for all needs and sources of power that one may need to muster what they are facing. Throughout the twelve books of this epic we are inundated with more than thirty female characters whether it be a goddess, a daughter or an entire warrior race made up solely of women. (“Aeneid.”

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