How Does Shakespeare Present Polonius's Loyalty In Hamlet

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Throughout Shakespeare's “Hamlet”, there is much hate, revenge, and the simple duty of avenging a family members death. Three fathers have been killed and three sons are angry and want justice; the only way to avenge their fathers is killing the one responsible themselves. A son who lost a father in battle, one who lost a father to greed, and the last who lost his father by mistake. Old King Fortinbras of Norway lost his life in a just battle to Old King Hamlet while losing land in the process. Old King Hamlet is murdered by his own brother through greed and jealousy. Polonius was killed by mistake, thought to be another person. Each father who was killed, had a son who wanted revenge. Although each son lost a father that they want to avenge,…show more content…
He is not a bad man at all and even has good intentions, just very curious, nosey, and always wants to know what is going on. Claudius gives him the job of basically spying on Hamlet and always knowing what he is up to. The day that the play was recited in the castle when Claudius fled the room, Hamlet went to go talk to his mother, Gertrude, alone in her room. Polonius told Claudius he would hide in the room and listen to the conversation. As Hamlet got aggressive his mother yelled out and Polonius yelled for help. “How now, a rat? Dead for a ducat, dead!” (III.iv.24), here this quote shows how Hamlet stabbed through the curtain that Polonius was hiding behind, killing him, thinking he was Claudius. Laertes comes the castle enraged and when he hears of his fathers death he immediately seeks revenge. Within “Hamlet”, “I dare damnation. to the point I stand/ That both the worlds I give to negligence./ Let come what comes, only I’ll be revenged/ most thoroughly for my father.” (IV.v.107-110). Here Laertes explains how he doesn’t care what becomes of him after death but he will get revenge for his father’s murder. Laertes doesn’t think much on it, he wants blood and wants it now. He is not mindless in doing so yet being bold and acting upon his

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