Vatican Council II: Changes In The Roman Catholic Church

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In 1959, Pope John XXIII announced that there would be a Vatican Council II, and Vatican Council II would start in 1962 and make tremendous changes in the Roman Catholic Church. Vatican I started in 1869, and it made minimal changes to the Roman Catholic Church. Vatican I only lasted one year. Vatican II started in 1962 and went to 1965 lasting nearly three years. Vatican Council II made numerous changes to the Roman Catholic Church, and most of the changes we still use to this day. Vatican Council II, also known as Vatican II, produced several changes in the Church that consist of the following: The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, The Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the World of Today, documents of the duties of the bishop, documents…show more content…
One of the first changes in Vatican Council II is the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy is also called the Sacrosanctum concilium. The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy aims to do several different things. The Constitution was made a new thing at Vatican II. The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy intended and still attend to increase vigor to the Christian life of the faithful apart of it. This simply mean that it intends to keep everyone physically and mentally healthy. This can be done through the sacrament of The Anointing of the Sick. The second thing that the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy intended to do was to adapt more suitably to the needs of our own times those institutions which are subject to change. It intends to keep all of our needs taken care of, but they will often change a lot. The third thing that the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy intended to do was foster whatever can promote union among all who believe in Christ. This means…show more content…
This is the process of focusing on only the life of modern day people. It focuses on the human nature of Jesus Christ and how it is to this very day. The Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the World of Today focuses on all the aspects of human beings. It focuses on the wealth of human. The wealth of humans deals with the poverty of all humans in the world. It also focuses in the science of humans. It deals with the development of how humans were made and the science of the human body. It also focuses on the human nature. The sciences help us realize what can help save human lives and everything else. The Constitution also focuses on the social aspect of the humans. This varies from social media to anything else. This allows us to see how humans are effects on every aspect. Also focuses on the fashion of humans and everything to do with this aspect. The Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the World of Today was created to help the Church better understand all about the human bodies in their community. It also helps them stay in with the new. It allows the Church to be up to date with all the new

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