Use Of Imagery In William Faulkner's A Rose For Emily

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Have you ever wondered about how somebody lives their life? Maybe thinking or wanting to know about them constantly? This can be a form of prying and can go from contemplating about them daily, to sometimes even hourly. Sometimes an entire community can take an interest in a single person who is a little extraordinary. In “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner, Emily Grierson is the town's obsession. The narrative form of writing that expresses how the town and Emily feel, and what they think of each other, the use of imagery that lets one understand her past, and the way Faulkner uses evidence when he emphasises Emily as a fallen monument, reinforces the town’s fascination towards Emily. The town soon learns that Emily had become insane. They also realize that she was a mad woman who killed her lover so she…show more content…
Imagery lets one imagine the setting and features of the story, knowing this let’s the reader understand how the people in the story and the town felt and looked. Aubrey Binder acknowledges, “But it is Faulkner’s use of dust imagery that provides the key to understanding the role of the past and the manner in which it lingers in the present in “A Rose for Emily” (5). The imagery tells more about Emily’s past, so one can learn how attitudes shaped the rest of her life. The attitudes of the story not only shaped Emily’s life, but they also showed how the people in the town thought of her. Emily wanted to be accepted so she made herself feel accepted. Her boyfriend, Homer, was going to leave her but she made him stay with her forever. Emily killed him. The reader can infer how Emily killed him when Faulkner provides Emily saying, “I want Arsenic” to a pharmacist (125). The reader soon learns that Emily left him in the house with her for thirty years while sleeping next to him every night. This made Emily feel accepted because, she was always with

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