Unwind Research Paper

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Rebellion is a very popular notion in pop culture. So many young adult novels are using this trope as the central driving point of the stories. In turn, the movie industry makes book-to-movie adaptations about a single hero rebelling against society or a higher power. But rebellion is not just a fad. Rebellion has played a huge part in the establishment of our country and many others. That is why many authors and artists use rebellion as an element in their work. It is a universal idea. Everyone can relate to standing up to a higher power. Unwind by Neal Shusterman is an example of the topic of rebellion used in a modern novel. Unwind is about a society where the practice of “unwinding”, or dividing up a teenager’s body parts to be used as…show more content…
You cannot win a football game just by standing in the sidelines, even if you have the rules memorized. Whether you use your knowledge and your opportunities constructively plays a part in how successful you can be in a rebellion. In Unwind, after he learns about the harmful effects of unwinding, Lev begins to actively fight against those who promote unwinding. He goes to safe houses and, eventually, to the graveyard. At the graveyard, he joins a group of unwinds who plan on becoming “clappers”. Clappers are suicide bombers who literally turn their entire body into a bomb. This shows how much Lev’s stance on unwinding has changed. When asked how much he hates the people who tried to unwind him, Lev responds “Totally and completely (P.g. 229).” Becoming a suicide bomber may not be the most productive way to fight a rebellion, but the choices Lev makes after infusing himself with the explosive substance have a good impact. Lev does not “clap”, which ensures that he will not ever be unwound. “They won’t unwind a clapper - that stuff never entirely gets out of your system (P.g. 327)”. Lev successfully escapes his own unwinding and fights for the rights of other unwinds because he knew it was

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