Uniform Crime Report

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In a natural setting, it would be expected that improvements in the economic and social conditions within a society would reduce the rate of crime. This is because the conditions that cause crime, especially violent crime, are expected to diminish with the improvement of social and economic conditions. In the Uniform Crime Report released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 1975, the rates of homicide, forcible rape, aggravated assault, and robbery increased by 188%, 174%, 164%, and 263% respectively. During the same period, there were more blacks completing their education, more people being employed, and growth in both the median white and black family income. The same period saw a decline in the number of people living under the legally-defined…show more content…
The term direct contact predatory violations may be defined as a class of illegal acts that are committed by individuals intentionally and definitely with the main aim being to damage another individual and or their property. Further analyses on direct contact predatory crimes or violations show that they are crimes confined to the acts, which involve direct and physical contact between at least one person/ object and an offender seeking to damage the person/ object. For a crime, especially direct contact predatory crimes, to take place, three things are needed to come together in time and space. These are the lack of capable guardians against a breach, suitable targets for a crime, and motivated offenders. According to the research conducted by Reppetto, residents are presented as being on the forefront with regard to supervising their streets and neighborhoods in order to limit access by the possible offenders. The risk of criminal victimization is presented as being reduced in households that are distant from the central city. According to this research the victimization rates are affected by physical characteristics of the dwellings of criminals, and most offenders have minimal – if any – technical skills. Offenders are presented to have a very high likelyhood of using burglary
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