Uniform Crime Report Essay

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The FBI has an essential role in the Uniform Crime Report, the National Incident-Based Reporting System, and the National Crime Victimization Survey. The FBI is the one who has the control of each one of these, not only that each one of these has similarities and differences with each other. Each one of them need each other to assist with crime reporting, even though they each do different types of crimes. Some might be more detailed than others. The Uniform Crime Report (UCR) is a program the has been the starting place for law enforcement, students of criminal justice, and plenty more. The program was made to meet the needs for uniform crime statistics of the nation. For the first couple of years the FBI was collecting, publishing, and archiving the statistics. The Uniform Crime Report program was there to collect statistics on violent crime and property crime. Just like the UCR, the National Incident-Based Report System (NIBRS) is also a reporting system, however it is only programmed for incident-based reporting. The incident-based report system is for crimes known to the police. All data comes from local,state, or federal automated records. The report data are occasionally required by…show more content…
The national crime victimization survey does a survey each year on over thousands of household to see and analyze if anyone is a victim of a crime that is violent or property. To describe the impact of crime and of violent offenders, the National Crime Victimization Survey has provided with the largest in the national forum for the victims. The NCVS was designed to have primary objectives, such as, developing detailed information about victims, to give an estimate of the number of crimes not reported and the types of crimes not reported, to provide a strict measurement with selected types of crime, and also to permit comparisons over the time and category of

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