Transcultural Influences In Speed Racer

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In the industry of Media or Film and Television to be precise, there are many ways where it shows a majority of the postmodern elements. In a film, convergence, hybridisation, transcultural influences and video game logic, show effectively the elements of postmodernism. A good example that has these 3 elements in a postmodern film is the franchise, Speed Racer created as a manga by Tatsuo Toshida back in 1966. This franchise has adapted into multiple postmodern media such as an anime or cartoon, a film in 2008, and a video game that ties into the film which was released in the same year. Speed Racer has also had multiple Spin-Offs such as Speed Racer X and Speed Racer: The Next Generation. The Speed Racer franchise has had multiple uses of…show more content…
Genre Hybridity is when two non-related genres are present in a film such as action and romance. For example, there are films that have two genres such as action and comedy such as Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (Write E, 2010), science and fantasy like Toy Story (Unkrich, L. 2010), romantic fantasy such as the Lake House (Agresti A, 2006) and much more. the film Transcultural Influences in film is when two similar genres are present and also have an impact on a film’s culture such as Sukiyaki Western Dijango where there is the metaphor of Red and white gangs (red Indians vs white cowboys). Speed Racer has both of these elements that are present in the film and can be evident really easily. In this film, it has 3 genres, action, family, and sports plus little hint of romance and humour. Two of these genres, the action and sports concepts can well mix together which in turn have the transcultural influence on this film. As the main theme of Speed Racer is sports, using a hybrid with action gives a more postmodern view to the film. Like transcultural influences and genre hybridity, another postmodern film element which is known as convergences also exists in this

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