Tourism Analysis

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Introduction Tourism can be considered one of the most remarkable socio-economic phenomena of the twentieth century. Tourism comprises an extensive range of economic activities and can be considered the largest industry in the world Tourism is a vast discourse,as the world is getting globally connected by all means that is culture, entertainment, hospitality, social media, interaction, trades and many other things (Neto, 2003). These worldwide connections are giving room to more and more destination. Each with a unique element that has to seen or explored by the tourist. That is, each destination has some or the other thing to offer to its tourist. Therefore, This essay is written with the aim of exploring Oxford as a tourist destination.…show more content…
There are a number of unexplored attractions which are unknown to the world. Apart from the University there are a number of places that attract numerous tourist attractions such as the Car fax Tower, which offers an outstanding view over the city, and the beautiful historic Covered Market which has many tourists attracting shops. This place is culturally rich but it also has a lot of other attractions like the one mentioned above one get to see many other historical attractions as well, such as the Blenheim Palace, Christ Church college, the river Thames, Wallington wildlife park, Littlemore or the Ashmolean Museum or the Bisector Village. That is Oxford provides an array of activities and attractions throughout the year. For some people Oxford only mean the University but it is much more than that. That…show more content…
Tolkien, and Oscar Wilde. Apart from the architectural grandeurs it was an inspiration for many writers; it was here that author Lewis Carroll met Alice, who became her inspiration in Alice’s Adventures in wonderland. It’s the home of many authors and poets, which further contribute to its artistic values and inspirations. Music and nightlife Although it is regarded as a peaceful place that is it gives a very peaceful, soft, and calming vibes to all the visitors, but all this during the day. As soon as the sun sets, the town is enlightened with a number of vibrant bars, clubs, and musical venues. That is apart from the cultural richness it can entertain the tourist by good restaurant like said above and also by musical ventures and an entertaining nightlife. Shopping Like all the above this place provides a unique experience of traditional, cultural, artistic and entertaining shopping experience. This town is filled with traditional high street shops, the city itself is centered with the, which as mentioned above is a tourist spot because is presents a lively mix of small stalls which sells almost everything from handmade gifts to innovative souvenir and antiquarian books. Moreover, it provides has the facility of all the modern brands at Bisector village which consist of a number of boutiques such as Alexander McQueen,

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