Toulmin Argument Analysis

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British Philosopher Stephen Toulmin created the Toulmin method, which is an informal process of reasoning. When using the Toulmin method in the argument about putting a tax on junk food, the author’s purpose is to persuade people to accept taxes imposed on Junk food, in order to reduce the rate of obesity in the United States. According to the Toulmin method, the argument is compelling in most part. The claim is stated in two positions at the start of the piece, when the writer says that the tax is a promising strategy against obesity. The claim is re-stated at the end, when the author writes using “the carrot of subsidized healthy food and nutrition education along with the stick of a food tax, the typical American diet can, and should, be changed for the better”(Paragraph 3). These two statements condense the main point that the writer is attempting to convey--…show more content…
They incline to select food based on cost and not how healthy the food is. Some other case of endorsement in the concluding sentence of the second paragraph. It states that increasing the cost of junk food through taxes will encourage people to select healthier alternatives. The sanction is effective because putting tax on junk food will go to people losing their attention about junk food. The author cites backing for the warrant through the effects of cigarette taxes on smoking habits in New York. Specifically, the author writes, “a year after New York increased cigarette taxes from $1.25 to $2.75, smoking rates dropped by 12% to a historic low” (Paragraph 3). The backing is effective, because the author uses to show that if the government put tax on junk food it will have an effect of dropping rate of obesity, just like what happen when New York put tax on cigarette to reduce the smoking among the

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