Anne Frank Book Vs Movie

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The movie version of The Diary of Anne Frank demonstrated what it was like to live during the Holocaust, and Robert Dornhelm (the director) did it very well. Viewers, when it came to The Diary of Anne Frank, tended to think that the music throughout the movie made it more suspenseful and captivating than that of the play. For example, when the Green Police came to take the members of the Annex away, the music leading up to it made viewers nervous, scared, and frightened. Another example of this theory was when Mr. Frank had all of the papers from Anne's diary fell one by one onto the ground. The music during that scene was way more emotional and upsetting than ever imagined in the play version. Viewers became aware of how emotional the Holocaust was because of the music that Robert Dornhelm set the video clips to. If Robert Dornhelm hadn't set the track to the music that he did, the movie would have been entirely different. It's amazing what music can do.…show more content…
When viewers read the movie variation and the play variation they realized that the subheadings in the play, when in the movie version were way more mesmerizing. For example, in the play adaptation when they were being taken away by the Green Police it would say (crying), where in the movie adaptation the person would actually be crying, causing you to become more poignant. Another example of how subheading in movies is more enthralling, was that when Mr. Dussel was arguing with Anne in the play it said (arguing), while in the movie you actually saw them put up an argument. The subheadings that took place throughout the movie created suspense and apprehension in the viewers

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