Theoretical Framework: The Origin Humanistic Psychology

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Theoretical framework The Origin Humanistic Psychology According Riveros Aedo (2014), from ancient Greece sophists were concerned about the nature of the human being, the most prominent of these was Socrates in Athens highlighting his maieutic method, which consisted of the dialogue teacher-student, to show that the knowledge is already in the individual, and only need to extract and orient. In the Middle Ages, such was the influence of religion, that interest in the human being remained isolated. In the Renaissance, however it rediscovers the human being, in the nineteenth century, and the question where did we come from? New movements began to oppose Watson behaviorists systems and psychoanalysts Freud, James Wiliams with his study of consciousness…show more content…
According to Karl Jaspers philosophy is interested in three aspects related to being, being there (the known objective world), Being self (the decision and personal choice) and Being Yes (refers to their importance in the world) and phenomenological that studies the relationship between external phenomena and the psyche of the person, as attempts to open the vast crucial and the inner life of human beings in order to release their potential. In this context, the central commitment born of the Humanist movement for the recovery of mental life of human beings and their existential goals (Sanchez Ruiz, 2009; p 408, 409.) Father of Humanistic Psychology, according to Ruiz (2004), was Kurt Goldstein, who studied philosophy and medicine at the University of Frankfurt, then specialized in psychiatry, and in 1914 founded the Institute for Research of psychic and motor sequelae those affected in the First world War. These studies led to a holistic overview or the human organism. He understood that soma and mind were in a relationship of dependency and tension and spoke so it's tendency to self-realization, according to circumstances like stress, is that estimates…show more content…
Rogers Theory Carl Rogers saw people as good and healthy, and in turn, also considered mental health as the normal progression of life and mental illness and human problems as a distortion of the normal life. Rogers understood that all creatures strive to make the best of their existence, and if they fail in their purpose, not for lack of desire. (Boeree, 2003). He proposed his theory centered on the person, who believed that all human beings moved a process aimed primarily to growth, which I call the tendency realization. In his theory he explains that all people have: the real Self, which is what we know we are, here are our mistakes as such, including our shortcomings as a people, whether they are our true qualities, leading to the Health and Ideal Self, what we want to achieve our values, aspirations and desires, which lead to the Disturbance (Castillo, 2013). congruence Itself is the success of psychotherapy, is the degree of balance between the experience, communication and awareness, is the balance between the real self and the Self Ideal If, to achieve being Self-realized (Celis, 2006

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