Theme Of Sir Gawain In Le Morte D Arthur

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In every story of Camelot, Gawain is told to be the nephew of the legendary King Arthur. However, in each telling of King Arthur’s many stories, Sir Gawain has varying roles and importance. Although he is an integral character in “Le Morte d’Arthur” and “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”, he can be effectively written out of the movie Excalibur. Gawain’s importance in “Le Morte d’Arthur” comes from his relationship with Arthur; no other Knight has the family ties that Gawain has with Arthur. In “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight,” he still has that relationship with Arthur, but he also makes the decision to accept the Green Knight’s challenge because he is the weakest of the Knights. However, in Excalibur, Gawain was not an essential character,…show more content…
In “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight,” he decides to accept the challenge for King Arthur. He tells Arthur that he must face the Green Knight because he is Arthur’s nephew. However, he also accepts the challenge due to his status of the weakest Knight of the Round Table. No other knight could take his place in this story because no other knight is the weakest; Gawain is the only weakest knight. Furthermore, in “Le Morte d’Arthur,” Gawain explains that he must be the one to duel Sir Lancelot for two reasons. The first reason was because Arthur was his uncle, and he felt a responsibility to protect Arthur and his wife, Guinevere. Gawain felt that Arthur had been wronged, and a close family member should be the one to avenge him. The second reason was because a spell had been previously cast on him. This spell allowed him to grow in strength until he peaked at noon and midnight. Gawain and Arthur felt that Gawain was the only Knight that would be able to stand up to Lancelot and win. Therefore, Gawain was necessary for both “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” and “Le Morte d’Arthur;” he was the only Knight who could fulfill the

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