Theme Of Isolation In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Overgrown weeds fill what used to be a flower bed, the grass is browning, the shutters appear loose, and the paint on the exterior of the house is chipping. The people that live there rarely come outside their property, only to leave for work, and return later that evening. The town lives in fear of the strange people whom reside there. They separate themselves from any social interaction. They are the whispers that flow through the town. They are outsiders. Every town has them, and they are often criticized for their uncommon habits. In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird the Radley family attracts the town of Maycomb's attention for their abnormal actions. Their son Boo is the root of their judgment. A complication as a child, caused…show more content…
In the beginning of the novel it came to the attention of readers that Jem and Scout’s had an invested interest in Boo, and Boo noticed as well. In the novel, when Jem mistakenly got his pants fastened in the Radley’s fence, he raced away leaving them behind. Later, Jem scurried back to get his newly ripped trousers, he exclaimed to Scout, “They were folded across the fence [...] like they were expectin’ me”(58). Not only were the pants folded, but they were also as good as new. Boo sewed the pant’s rip shut. This action presented to the children that Boo perhaps could have been portrayed incorrectly by the Maycomb community, and came to their attention that Boo wasn’t a monster after all. An additional instance in the novel that represented Boo’s kindness was when Boo placed a blanket around Jem and Scout. Atticus told the children who showed them this act of sympathy,“‘Boo Radley. You were so busy looking at the fire you didn’t know it when he put the blanket around you” (72). Boo Radley went out of his way, and risked the dangers of the outside world to comfort the children. Boo remained inside for fifteen years, but he is so fond of these children, he broke away from his sanctuary for just a brief moment to help Jem and Scout. Not only does this show readers his kind heart, but this event was a rare occurrence where Boo actually came out of his confinement. When similar events occurred, readers can see that the children slowly start to respect Boo Radley, and Jem and Scout begin to realize that the rumors about him may not be factual. In the novel Jem said to Scout,“‘I think I’m beginning to understand why Boo Radley stayed shut up in the house all this’s because he wants to stay inside”(227). At this point in the story, Jem came up with a new theory why Boo stays inside. He believes that Boo stays inside because
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