Their Eyes Were Watching God Character Analysis

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Rationale: This written task relates to the story Their Eyes Were Watching God written by Zora Neale Hurston, and in particular, is an interview between a minor character, Lee Coker, and a major character, Joe Starks, about how Joe plans to change the town of Eatonville with his new legislation as mayor. I chose an interview because I felt it could best show how the characters and their ideals have changed throughout the story and I wrote it in a way to further understand the character development of Joe Starks. This is also written with the perspective of some random person in the town of Eatonville reading this interview to better understand about what is going to happen while Joe Starks is mayor. In the interview, I tried to use actual phrases…show more content…
By CJ Ashmore The newly pronounced major of Eatonville, Joe Starks, has come with a plan in mind to change this town. He gives the impression of a born entrepreneur with outstanding leadership skills, strong pride and confidence, and, not to mention, a good dresser. This is a man who found a broken-down town and now expects to see change in the near future so that this town can be even better than it already is. Together with his beautiful wife Janie, he reaches out to his dreams and goes for the gold! Here he tells us his winning plan of action uncut and unedited. Lee Coker: Today ‘ere with me, I have de new mayor of Eatonville, Mr. Joe Starks. Joe Starks: Thanks for havin’ me. LC: Now, today we gots some questions from dem town folk about how you plan to change this here town with your new administration. JS: Well, first of all, I must say that I was more surprised than a spider caught in his own web when I first came to this ‘ere town. I done n’ thought that it wasn’t more but a raw place in de woods. Twasn’t no mayor nor organization either. So, first things first are that we need some more land to build this town on. I was just on my way to do that before I was interrupted.

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