Theatre Informative Speech

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Lebanese American University Communication 203 – Fall 2017 Instructor: Sany Abdul Baki Informative Speech José Lameh Topic: Digital Drama I- Introduction: • Doing some theatrical movements. • Asking “Do I look Stupid?” and answering “Yes!” • Saying that “well with some lights and dimensional effects, this won’t look the same anymore!” • Using the projector: showing part of digital Art. • Digital theatre: a hybrid art form mixing theatre’s and digital technology’s powers. • What is Digital Theatre? What is behind the scenes? What are the different points of views? II- Body A- What is Digital Theatre? • Digital Performance – VR theatre – TechnoDrama • Coexistence of live performers and digital media at the same time in the same…show more content…
• Most of the time dance, art and music are embodied in the show. • You could see for example an avatar sword-fighting an actor live on stage with background noises of war and very hot lights and colors. • The audience here is transported to the word of a computer game. • They don’t need 3D glasses. • It retain some theatre roles mainly to entertain in most cases. • Thought we cannot see too much plays or complete scripts written and played in a Digital way, shows and small sketches are made and usually presented on TV in competitions. Transition: how is all these things prepared? How is it made? B- What is behind the scenes? • 3D projections, virtual-reality masks for actors, stop-motion camerawork and computer animation have all been put to use. • Production company, studios are more and more hiring graphic designer and animators. • With the new video projection technology, you can now map your projections onto the particular stage set in a venue - rather than merely project onto a flat surface. • KnifeEdge software first maps the stage design on a desktop. • The template is projected onto the physical stage to plot the video…show more content…
Transition: But… If the actors are now “studying and memorizing” how they should move. Does this theatre is still a theatre? Can actors here really express their feelings and share emotions like they normally do? C- What are the different points of views? a) Some agree that theatre has been exploring the magical possibilities afforded by science and technology since the dawn of drama. • The Romans showed some engineering skills • Example: They collapsed mountains, used hydraulics to flood the stage… • Greeks were interested in the science of acoustics. • It would be crazy for theatre not to embrace new technology. • Imagine that they rejected lighting in 1880’s. But at what extend? Would Romans have introduced live tweets into the Coliseum if they could? Would the Greeks have been interested in generating a chorus using virtual reality avatars? Is there a line technology should not cross, when the drama itself becomes compromised, in any age? b) Critical eye • The strength of theatre is the live relationship between actor and audience. • Distracts the audience, breaking the spell of the performance. • It replaces imagination. • It could stops actors from sharing their own

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