The Wounded Massacre Analysis

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During the beginning of American westernization, the Native Americans occupied the west. The united states government were ordered to force Indians out of their own homes. Those of the men who refused were brutally murdered. The continuance of westernization grew the number of Indians murdered daily. Throughout the war battles were fought, land was taken, and agreements were made. Even though their world seemed to be taken from them, the Indians continued to believe in their religion. One belief was known as “The Ghost Dance”. The dance would be a giant circle centered around one man. They believed performing the religious dance would benefit them in multiple ways. Thy believed the dances would cure diseases, give them a better chance at a…show more content…
One man is visibly on his knees falling to his death. Others lie dead on the ground as the battle brutally continues around them. Individuals within the imagine have clear expressions, giving the observer a better idea of what they were feeling at the time. The artists purpose of the image is to provide viewers with a picture description of “The Wounded Massacre”. I believe the image itself is portrayed perfectly based off the provided caption. The reader can visually see the two parties who fought through the incident. In addition, the artwork can easily be seen and recognized from historians and audiences. I believe the authors purpose of the image is very important. It tells a story, a historical event, an incident that should never be forgotten. To this day, many individuals may not be familiar with this certain incident. So, creating an image that recognizes those of who fought and died on the winter day is very significant. I am convinced the artist tried to approach and successfully reached to the best of his or her ability to describe such a terrifying incident into on a small

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