The Warmth Of Other Suns: The Epic Story Of America's Great Migration

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Wilkerson, Isabel. The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America's Great Migration. New York, NY: Random House, 2010. Print. Review by Leea Fahnestock This is a book that unfolds a brilliant and legendary story of regular people. The Great Migration consisted of 54 long years of a strenuous fight for salvation. It was the relocation of more than six million African Americans from the South to North. The migration lasted from 1915 to 1970 and was also known to be the largest internal migration in U.S. history. Wilkerson's book shares an intimate relationship with the reader, but it also is an all-embracing story that speaks for all who were involved. This exodus comes to life in this book and presents a painted picture of the Great Migration.…show more content…
The load of Jim Crow Laws, and limitations caused many to have no choice but to search for a better future. There was heavy intolerance against blacks from separate waiting rooms to excluding African Americans from a practical lifestyle. They were no equal to a White man, and in some situations a grain of dust. The answer to this problem was the North. The North seemed promising in a black man's eyes from the South. The North displayed a bright future for the African American man by stating better pay and treatment. Men left their families in hopes to come back for them. Others, saying no word, left before sun-rise. As more and more African Americans left the South, the North was being overwhelmed with a surplus population while the South was left to realize how much they depended on these black

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