The Very Hungry Caterpillar By Eric Carle

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The Very Hungry Caterpillar: picture book The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Eric Carle, United States, June 1969, Hamish Hamilton (pub) Summary of the Book The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle is a classic tale, focussed on a newly hatched caterpillar who spends a week eating various foods. From apples and pears, to cupcakes and salami, it’s no surprise when the caterpillar find himself with a stomach ache. He then munches his way through a leaf before encasing himself in a cacoon. Two weeks later he emerges a beautiful butterfly. Target Group Year K to 1, Year 2 to 3 Reading Strategy Making Connections/connecting text to self, text to world By encouraging students to make connections with the books being read, they are able to develop…show more content…
Then, using an IWB, or whiteboard, students can engage in a class sorting activity with the foods mentioned in the book. Using applications such a Smart Notebook, the screen can be split in half; or five, with images of the food scattered around the screen. For kinder to year 1, they can sort and drag the foods into healthy and unhealthy columns; years 2 to 3 can sort into the five food groups. Next, students split into pairs and sort the foods from the book themselves. For the younger students, using an A3 sheet split into ‘healthy’ and ‘unhealthy’, they can sort the foods themselves, to reinforce the previous ideas discussed as a class. Older students can sort into ‘carbohydrates’, ‘fruit & vegetable’, ‘protein’, ‘dairy’, and ‘fats & oils’. Once this task is complete, students can be given a number of different foods, cut from magazines, and sort them on their A3 sheet, gluing after approval from a…show more content…
He decides the other animals in the zoo have it better than him, so he visits the seals, lions and snakes. Edward has a great time with the animals and enjoys many adventures with them. By the end of the book, with some help from the visitors at the zoo, Edward realises being an emu is the best and there’s nothing else he’d rather be. Target Group Year 2, Year 3, Year 4 students Reading Strategy Predicting is an important strategy to develop student reading comprehension as it provides the students with a purpose for reading. Predicting encourages students to be active readers who have expectations of the text, and maintains engagement in the text. By having students think about their predictions, whilst revising and confirming their ideas, this keeps them motivated and focused on the text.

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