Native American Arrival Case Study

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1.How did contact between the European arrivals and the native peoples of the Americas affect both groups? Contact between the European and the native people affected both in many ways. The European came to America and brought many diseases. This affected the native people because they had no immunity. As a result millions of people died, this caused society to weaken. The Europeans affected the natives in a positive way by introducing them to crops (such as sugar and bananas), domestic livestock (cattle, pigs, and sheep) and the horse. The horse become important to the natives and changed their society. The natives also affected the Europeans in a positive way by learning new agriculture techniques appropriate to the demands of the new land.…show more content…
The first reason was that the first Spanish settlers were interested in America for their gold and silver. The English, Dutch, and French went to America mainly to establish new settlements. Later on, more Spanish people went to the New World for profit in agriculture, and others also went to spread the Christian religion. The Spanish first settlement was in the year 1565. The economic heart of the colony was sheep, and cattle. The French established missionaries and became partners with the Native Americans. They often lived among the natives and married Indian women. French agriculture was helped due to the fur trade. The Dutch built a profitable trade in furs and later established a series of permanent trading posts. The English, on the other hand, struggled for at least 30 years to build a colony. At the time they were in a war with Spain. They didn't officially have a colony until the year…show more content…
The importation of slaves had many affects. Slaves were traded for different goods. They were forced to do lots of hours of labors. In the early eighth century, west Africans began selling a small number of slaves to traders in the Mediterranean and then later were sold to the Portuguese. In the sixteenth century, the demand for slaves increased due to the increasing European demand for sugarcane. Production soon spread to new areas due to Mediterranean not being able to meet the demand. Sugar was a crop that consisted of lots of labor work, so the demand for African slaves was very high in the new areas of cultivation. By the 1700s the spread of slavery had gone beyond the Caribbean, South America, and into the north English colonies. Slavery was a major part of the early centuries. 4.What is mercantilism, and what did it have to do with the European colonization of North America? Mercantilism was the theory that one person or nation could become rich only at the expense of another. A nation's economic health depended on selling as much as possible to foreign lands and buying as little as possible from them. This theory spread throughout Europe between the sixteenth and seventeenth century. This theory also increased people to start acquiring

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