The Turn Of The Screw Literary Analysis

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The novella, The Turn of the Screw, published in 1898, written by author Henry James, reflects on an experience of a young, little practiced, and emotionally at edge governess, whose name is never mentioned through out the writing, in the 1840’s. The story is known for its gothic, sinister, scary structure. James, startling, captures the audience attention by insightfully to not be cynical towards a creepy tale and gives several hints that are soon to be brought up in the actual story. The governess is called to Bly—the setting of the story—by a very handsome, well-mastered, wealthy master of a home. He, however, only pops up through out the story twice. One of the two confrontations is involved in asking for the protagonist, the governess,…show more content…
A motherly trait is brought to the narrator’s attention for the safety of the two children. Specifically, when the governess faces Miss Jessel—ghost—in the sake of the home, the narrator “[addresses] her—‘You terrible miserable woman!’” (James 69). Questioning what happens next, the forceful act establishes an external conflict (man vs. supernatural) between the real and the undead. Since audiences enjoy viewing boldness acts of bravery, courageous actions of valor are seen through out American literature. Towards the end of Arthur’s Millers play The Crucible, John Proctor, protagonist and tragic hero of the theater piece, sacrifices his reputation to save his wife’s, Elizabeth Proctor, life and stop false court reports having to do with the Salem Witch Trials. During Proctor’s discussion with Danforth, deputy governor, he confesses to “‘have known [Abigail]’” (Shmoop Editorial Team) to great extent—lechery. In sprouting Abigail for who she is—liar, the protagonist shows his grievance and determination by announcing “’God help me, I lusted, and there is a promise in such sweat. But it is a whore’s vengeance, and you must see it now.’” (Shmoop Editorial Team). By choice, his life, at the end, was taken away. Lust and pride, having to be Proctor’s tragic flaws cost him the price of his marriage and the immense, deceitful lies in a court. At the end, both James’ narrator and Miller’s John Proctor grimly lose what they stand up for—the safety of those they love and the corruption in a

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