Is Gilgamesh A Hero

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Joseph Christensen Humanities I December 05 2014 Is Gilgamesh a Hero? What is a hero? The word “hero” has several definitions and someone cannot be defined as a hero without first knowing the definition used. Whether or not Gilgamesh was a hero fully depends on the definition of the word “hero”. The first entry for the definition of the word “hero” on is, “a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities.” In the story he acted purely out of selfishness, arrogance, and fear. In the story Gilgamesh was a tyrant and selfish king who did what he wanted and used his power against his own people. Though his arrogance by not accepting a goddesses hand in marriage he released the bull of…show more content…
Gilgamesh, although he was a tyrant, seemed to be revered and feared by his people. They describe him as, “two-thirds of him god and one third human” (2) and “surpassing all other kings, heroic in stature, brave scion of Uruk… one his comrades could trust!” (2) These qualities fit the description of a hero, at least from the point of view of his people. The other point of view is from that of the reader. From a reader stand-point Gilgamesh is not very heroic; he is selfish, arrogant, he is definitely not ideal, and though his acts may seemed to have been heroic they are done for selfish reasons. This definition is based on perspective and whether Gilgamesh is or is not a hero depends on what perspective is…show more content…
There are very few people like that in this world and Gilgamesh is not one of them. Gilgamesh only looks out for himself and does what he pleases claiming divine right for example, “He will couple with the wife-to-be, he first of all/ the bridegroom after. By divined consonant so it is ordained.” (15) He sets off leaving his city on a quest only because he can even when his counsel is trying to stop him, “Gilgamesh heard the words of the senior advisers, he looked with a laugh at Enkidu... “Now, my friend, how frightened I am! In fear of him shall I change my mind?” (22) On his last quest he selfishly left his city without leadership again in order to try to gain immortality because Enkidu had just died and he became afraid. These are not the qualities of a hero, and he does not deserve the title of
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