The Three Key Processs Of Memory And The Human Memory

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The human memory “Your brain activates a system to store memories as a reference for you to learn from…not to create a past for you to be stuck in” by dr. Steve maraboli Do you wonder sometimes how our brain works? How the formation of memory change with age? Where are the old memories stored? Where in the brain are the memories stored? How does the human brain store and retrieve memories? There are three key processes to memory: encoding, storage, and retrieval. Each of the three stages in memory-sensory memory, “short-term memory, and long-term memory focuses on encoding, storage, and retrieval”.…show more content…
Memory Encoding: When information comes into our memory system (from sensory input), it needs to be changed into a form that the system can cope with, so that it can be stored. 2. Memory Storage: This concerns the nature of memory stores, i.e. where the information is stored, how long the memory lasts for (duration), how much can be stored at any time (capacity) and what kind of information is held. 3. Memory Retrieval: This refers to getting information out storage. If we can’t remember something, it may be because we are unable to retrieve it. When we are asked to retrieve something from memory, the differences between STM and LTM becomes very clear. and in accordance by Ishan Daftardar he also says that Although memory starts with perception, it is encoded and stored with the help of neurons. Neurons are the basic means of information transfer within the nervous system. This information travels through the nervous system by communicating with other neurons via an electrochemical

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