The Sun Also Rises Chapter 17 Analysis

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Chapter 17 of The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway stands out to be the most violent chapter in the novel. The chapter begins with Bill and Mike being kicked out of a bar. Both men were with a young lady named Edna, who is a friend of Bill. Robert Cohn shows up at the same bar as the others and Cohn’s mood is very agitated and he demands to know where Lady Brett Ashley is but, Jake will not tell him. Cohn ends the conversation by calling Jake “a damned pimp” (Hemingway 193). Jake becomes furious and takes a swing at Cohn, but Cohn is able to duck. When Jake is on his way home, he notices that all the scenery around him has changed. He compares the scenery to a time when he was coming home from an out of town football game. Immediately when Jake arrives back to the hotel, Bill comes to him, saying that Cohn is continuously asking to see Jake. Jake walks into Cohn’s…show more content…
Cohn calls to see Jake and then asks for his forgiveness three times. The first time Cohn asked for forgiveness, Jake responded “Forgive you, hell” (Hemingway196). It takes three times for Jake to finally say that it is alright. Stoneback writes, “Since Jake is a Christian, he knows the necessity of forgiveness (Stoneback 261).” Cohn will not believe that Jake forgives him until they shake hands with each other. Stoneback also states, “Due to Jake’s sense of agitation, the reader may expect Jake to hit Cohn, but he simply gives Cohn a handshake” (261). “The handshake may be used to signify the relationship between Jake and Cohn before everything changed” (261). As the novel progresses, the relationship between Jake and Cohn weakens. Cohn’s weaknesses include that he slept with Brett and now acts very pathetic. Cohn may have used the handshake to remind both of them of the strong friendship they once had. After the handshake, Jake still seems very uninterested because his only focus is wanting to take a

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