The Skeleton Twins

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Humorous yet serious, the movie The Skeleton Twins starring Kristen Wiig and Bill Hader as main characters, shows the struggles of two siblings who, born on the same day, but experiencing different problems, chose the same day to die: Milo (Bill Hader), by slicing his wrists, and Maggie (Kristen Wiig), by taking a hand full of pills. Luckily Milo got help in a timely manner and his admittance to the hospital prevented his sister from taking the pills. Having been estranged for 10 years, the twins slowly started reconnecting and becoming happier in the process. However, their relationship took a toll when both Milo’s and Maggie’s reckless behaviors started to affect those around them. Standing in the middle of his living room, Milo stared…show more content…
Milo’s house is small, as one can infer because of how fast he can get from one corner of the house to the other, compact and disorganized. Moreover, the house also appears to have little lighting, and is decorated with warm colors that barely contrast Milo’s outfit and the walls of the house. Milo himself stands out in the middle of his apartment because the focus on him makes his furniture appear smaller, although he is a fairly tall man. The surfaces of Milo’s furniture are all smooth, despite of the apartment and Milo himself appearing to be rough edged. The aquarium where he kept his gold fish was simple, and just like with Milo, the fish were the focus of the container. The music was fast paced yet it didn’t seem to have a very bubbly message. On the other hand, although not much of Maggie’s apartment was shown beside the bathroom, the contrast between hers and Milo’s bathroom was noticeable. Her bathroom had a light cool color decoration, and she kept her things impeccably organized. Maggie was wearing a shirt and jeans just like Milo but hers had a more earth like tonality. In her hand, the abundant pills were white and oval shaped, and the silence took over the bathroom. Additionally, as Milo she too shows hurt in her face yet a lack of courage, judging from the fact that she held the pills in her hand for quite some time. In both scenes, there…show more content…
Later on the movie it was possible to understand the context in which Milo and Maggie grew up and how much that shaped them into the people they became. The only healthy relationship they had was with their father and he killed himself without any warning. From that point on, things went sideways and the siblings eventually slit up for ten years. Coincidentally, they now were about to unknowingly share a “death day”. It seems as if in that particular moment of their lives, they both felt that they could no longer carry on, and the lack of a supportive system with friends and family members greatly aggravated the situation. Still, to anyone outside, they were probably normal looking, happy people; Milo hid in is sarcastic remarks and Maggie always kept everything well organized, showing off a little of her uptightness. That passed off to their houses and the way they chose to die; Maggie in her flawless bathroom, probably part of an also flawless house, decided to take several pills, whereas Milo, a lot more expressive in his not so clean house chose a much more dramatic and messy death by slicing his wrists. While viewing this movie, I connected with the twins, and shared a little of their pain, because I was able to relate to feeling overwhelmed when things don’t go the way you idealize. Also, I understood their
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