The Screwtape Letters Book Report

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Natural disasters, divorce, death, and circumstances will rock most people’s worlds. The world they used to see will have a new tint when compared to the rose-colored vision they had before. The previous list of occurrences can change someone’s world drastically and more often than not, in an undesirable way. However, some small things can shatter the rose-colored glasses people see the world through, not in a negative way, but just so they see clearly. My glasses were shattered by a short, 209-page book written by C.S. Lewis. The Screwtape Letters changed the way I see the world by opening my eyes to a whole new level of warfare, raising my awareness of behavioral flaws, and redefining love. When I thought of warfare before reading The Screwtape Letters, I thought of bombs, guns, and bloodshed. Now when warfare comes to mind, there are two types- human warfare and spiritual warfare. C.S. Lewis creates the scenario of a man who is constantly being bombarded by a novice demon, Wormwood. The advice that Wormwood is receiving from his uncle Screwtape is much like a battle plan. Lewis helps the reader to see the ways humans are attacked throughout their lives. He paints the image…show more content…
Lewis points out through Screwtape’s advice that in order to justify rude or harmful comments, mankind makes a joke out of it. Screwtape defines this type of humor as “the all-consoling and (mark this) the all-excusing, grace of life,” which I see demonstrated daily (55). Also revealed in this book is the way mankind becomes prideful once an awareness of positive attributes is attained. He uses a very ironic example of a man who realizes how humble he is, which is then followed with pride in his humility. These points really hit home with me and changed the way I view situations; Lewis’ points help one to be aware of simple ways the mind justifies wrongful

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