Ted Turner Research Paper

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My Selected Time Magazine Person of the Year Ted Turner was named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year in 1991. Ted Turner was born on November 19, 1938 in Cincinnati, Ohio. It is said that his father was bipolar and would be considered abusive by today’s standards. He was educated in boarding and military schools. He attended Brown University but was kicked out and never finished. His father owned a billboard company, which Ted inherited after his father’s suicide in 1963. The company at the time was being sold to a rival company for $200 000. Ted turned his father’s company around and began buying independent TV stations. In 1976 he founded Turner Broadcasting Systems (TBS) which was one of the first to use satellites to carry its signal…show more content…
Turner has become more of a philanthropist and is very interested in saving the environment. He is one of the world’s largest landowners and has opened Ted’s Montana Grill which now boasts 44 restaurants. His credo has been “Early to bed, early to rise, work like hell and advertise.” What I Admire Most Ted Turner has been called outspoken and brash. He has sat atop of a $10 billion fortune. He has since lost that fortune after Time mergered with AOL and Forbe’s Magazine now lists his worth at $2.2 billion. While his fortune was still thriving he pledged to give $1 billion to the United Nation Fund and is set to fulfill that pledge this year. He has started many other philanthropic endeavors such as DT Solar and shows no signs of slowing down at age 76. After amassing such a great fortune and then tumbling to earth with less than a billion, he chose a more humanitarian path in rebuilding. He has since become one of 40 billionaires to pledge half or more of his fortune to charity with The Giving Pledge Campaign. Turner has said that there is no point in making all of the money he has if he cannot give it away. He has also said that he would change many of the things he has done in his life but not the giving he has done through…show more content…
Winning Attitude-Ted Turner certainly does not like to lose. His winning attitude and drive shows through in other aspects of his life. He has won the America Cup in sailing and bought the Atlanta Braves and Hawks sports teams and saw the Braves to a World Series win in 1995. 3. Visionary- The best example of this is CNN. 4. Hands on- After purchasing the Atlanta Braves he sent his manager of the team on a scouting trip and took over managing the team during his absence. Leadership Style Ted Turner’s leadership style has been described as visionary. He has the ability to see the bigger picture and direct his company to that goal. Visionary leaders have the ability to transmit their vision and inspire confidence so that others will believe in it. Ted knew the world of news and media was changing and was proactive and did not put his company in the position of having to react once the change had happened. His charisma has helped in become a good leader also. Many of his endeavors have taken a lot of convincing on his part and he loves to talk. His children reflect on dinnertime as a time to listen to dad’s

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