Racial Equality DBQ Essay

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After the Civil War there was a vast amount of questions that concerned the Americans, one of them was how was the South going to be not only physically but also socially rebuilt? Slaves were the base of plantations in the South, but now they were free and had to learn how to live and integrate to the customs of the society that surrounded them. Some African Americans thought that “casting down their buckets” was the answer to all the segregation that was going on during the reconstruction period, they thought that they should enjoy limited freedom and not get involved with the whites, but some thought that fighting for racial equality was the only way to solve the dilemma that was occurring. W.E.B. Du Bois was an African American that strongly believed in this policy of racial equality and was completely against racial accommodation, also a very popular program during that era. Du Bois had earned a doctorate in history from Harvard and was also a professor at Atlanta University. Nevertheless, Du Bois was one of the organizers of the…show more content…
Negroes were not going to survive through submission because in that case they might as well just have stayed slaves, what the Negro population had to do was demand and stand up for their freedom and the rights that came with it. Du Bois though that giving up political power, insistence in civil rights and higher education of Negro youth and just concentrate on industrial education, accumulation of wealth and the conciliation of the South was the primary reason for the disfranchisement of the Negro, the legal creation of discrimination laws towards the Negro, and also the lack of institutions to help the Negro assimilate to their new way of

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