The Roseburg Massacre: The Umpqua Community School Massacre

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The Register-Guard editorial board wrote this editorial about the Umpqua Community College (in Eugene, Oregon) by the Seattle Times on October 2nd, 2015. Ever since the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in 2012, there has been 142 shootings following it. This repetition caused a familiar sorrowful feeling to resurface, however, the “Roseburg shooting is different…” (paragraph 2), notably, this was more of a massacre and one of the worst shootings. Unlike other colleges or universities, UCC was located on a local scene which made it easy for anyone to intrude. The campus was “above the North Umpqua River” (paragraph 4) so anyone could of been involved with this misfortune, not just students and staff. As research shows, Roseburg is

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